Monday, September 15, 2014


These last couple rainstorms turned our arena into a really giant mud puddle.  My kids thought it was the greatest thing ever!

Benson's | Family

This is my very best friend in the whole wide world.  We met when we were in Junior High, and have been inseparable ever since, well until we each got married and I moved away.  But still, it's like we see each other everyday.  We pick right up just where we left off every time we talk.  She has truly been the sister I never had, and always there to help me pick up the pieces.

Her little family is soooo sweet and these two kids are just so dang darling!


Savages | Kids

We had a super fast little school pic session with the Savages.  These kids were cracking me up the entire time.

take a look:

Harris Family

Angie found me on Facebook and set up this session.  They are seriously some of the nicest nicest and best looking people I've ever met!  :)  Their skin to to die for!! I love how this gallery turned out, and I am so happy we were able to make the location work.  Our first location got flooded, so this was plan B.
Thanks so much for letting me be a small part of capturing your cute family!

take a look:

About Me

My photo
South Utah County, Utah, United States