Monday, November 17, 2014

Thomson | Family

This is the Thomson family!  I worked with Michele's sister at the vet clinic, and I went to High School with her other sister. They were so fun to work with and their kids were so sweet to each other!  These guys were great, they did everything I asked them to so we were able to get a lot of really good shots because of that.  OK, this whole family has really great genes, don't you agree!?!

These photos were taken at the top of a canyon close to my house, and it was absolutely beautiful up there!  The leaves were perfect, and I am so excited about the shots we got!

Check them out!!

these two are twins, and were so cute!  they wanted a brothers picture and this was all their idea.  I didn't have to pose them, they sat down and put their arms around each other!  How sweet is that??  

Cowdell's | Family

Hello everyone!  It's been a while since I have wrote a blog post!  I have been SWAMPED with photo sessions, editing and adding in being a mommy to all of that.  My sessions have tripled since last year, which I am so thankful and grateful for, but it's also a little overwhelming at times :)  So, stick with me on here, I promise I will be better about updating my current sessions on here.

This is the Cowdell family.  Me, Jen and Josh's mom, Lisa, all worked at a large animal clinic together and they are some of my favorite people to see!  I don't get to see them as much as I would like, unless we have a lame or sick horse, which isn't fun, but at lease I get to see some of my good friends there at South Valley along with the vets there.  :)   This session took place at Cowdell's Farm, where they have a sweet indoor arena and train reining horses.   They've got some really really nice horses if you want to check them out, here's the link to their FB page here.  We had an amazing sunset that night, and it was absolutely beautiful lighting!!

Check it out:

About Me

My photo
South Utah County, Utah, United States