Monday, February 23, 2015

Reeves | Family

Hi everyone!  I know, I know!  It has been FOREVER since I have done a blog post.  I have a ton of sessions backed up just waiting to be blogged.   I've just been busy being a mommy, I guess :)

Here is the cute Reeves family!

They were a dream to work with, and these girls were so sweet!!  I packed as many sessions here at this  location because, come on!  It's BEAUTIFUL!  The leaves only last about 2 weeks there, so we had to carefully plan each session up there.

As we were talking while shooting, it turns out it is such a small world!  These guys found me on Facebook, and once we learned a little bit about each other, it turns out they live next to a lady I grew up down the street from.  Crazy, right?!?

Here's their session, and it really makes me homesick for cool summer evenings up the canyon.  It is currently 30 degrees here with a wind chill of -4 (or so it feels that way!  ha!)  Brrrrrr!

About Me

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South Utah County, Utah, United States